Onward Network: The Polaroid Killers
The Polaroid Killers is an imaginary true crime television series about a group of serial killers who keep polaroids of their victims. This branding project includes a logotype design for the true crime network “Onward”, key art for a steaming service, a banner for digital advertising, and a promotional video. 
My inspiration for this TV series come from the satisfaction that serial killers find when they keep mementos of their victims; whether that is hair, nail clippings, or teeth. For this series, I wanted to show this concept in its true form but with polaroids instead. My design highlights a killer placing a polaroid of their victim in a scrap book, showing their obsession with mementoes.
The logotype for both the TV network and series include evidence of a killing like blood splatter and scratches. I wanted to keep with this dirty and gritty aesthetic throughout all my designs to remind viewers of the horrible things  they would do to their victims. I chose the black and white color palette to mimic a classic polaroid with an accent of red to represent blood.

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